Sturt SES trains each Tuesday night at our unit from 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm. We further run technical rescue training at the start of every month which rotates between Saturday's, Sundays's, and midweek training. This technical rescue training is non-compulsory, but is a great opportunity for members to maintain and develop their skills within technical areas. Please see our Tuesday night training calendar and technical rescue calendar below.
In addition to weekly training, you can develop your skills through state run courses. A description of the areas you can train in is outlined below. This training is generally run on weekends, but in some cases, weekdays.
The State Emergency Service is a Registered Training Organisation and provides nationally recognised training as well as a range of non-accredited courses to meet organisational needs. These courses are offered as per the SES state training calendar. Once you are a member, you will be able to gain access to this calendar. Some of the courses you can apply for include: